Action to climate change and other environmental issues

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  4. Action to climate change and other environmental issues

Initiatives for reducing CO2 emissions and carbon neutrality

At Musashi, we again collected data on our global CO2 emissions (Scope 1 & Scope 2) upon the announcement of Musashi's declaration of Carbon Neutrality. During the collection of this data, we stopped requiring Group companies to calculate their CO2 emissions individually and redefined globally unified measurement criteria. This enabled us to start afresh with a correct understanding of our impact on society and to visualize targets for the entire Group.
In FY2020, we reduced our absolute emissions. However, this was due to fluctuations in production which was greatly affected by the semiconductor shortage and the COVID-19 pandemic.
For FY2021, we have set a new global target of reducing the CO2 emissions of the entire Group by 3%. In addition, we have set indexes to establish a structure for the evaluation of steady reduction activities even when impacted by external factors, enabling the establishment of a system that enables the monitoring of progress at all locations.

CO2 emissions & CO2 emissions per unit

CO<sub>2</sub> emissions & CO<sub>2</sub> emissions per unit ~Scope1,Scope2~

Create green value!
We take on challenges to contribute to a global society where the nature and
people are able to coexist in harmony.

Initiatives to reduce the consumption of water resources

While consumption increased in FY2019 due to the operations of the new plant, we were able to reduce total consumption in FY2020. There was a water leakage at the Head Plant, but we addressed this problem and the situation has been normalized at present. Global data collection achieves the coverage of 91%. We will promote the setting of control targets.

Consumption of water resources and consumption of water resources per unit

Consumption of water resources and consumption of water resources per unit

Initiatives to reduce industrial waste

In FY2020, we set a target of reducing the amount of industrial waste, which increased in FY2019 due to a new plant commencing operations, to a level equivalent to the level in FY2018, and implemented initiatives including the improvement of waste oil treatment. While we were unable to achieve this target, the initiatives produced certain results. Moving forward, we will consider even more effective means and methods of operation and apply them to more plants and processes to reduce emissions. Also, we have started collecting global data to extend our activities by setting global criteria and targets.

Industrial waste emissions (non-consolidated)

Industrial waste emissions (non-consolidated)