Musashi Forms Alliance with Ethiopian EV Startup Dodai

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  3. Musashi Forms Alliance with Ethiopian EV Startup Dodai

Further Accelerating E-Mobility Business Development in Eastern Africa

Musashi Seimitsu Industry Co., Ltd. (Global Headquarters: Toyohashi-city, Aichi, Japan; President and CEO: Hiroshi Otsuka, “Musashi”) is pleased to announce about the investment and collaboration with Dodai Group, Inc., an EV startup based in Ethiopia that specializes in the assembly and sale of two-wheeled electric vehicles (Headquartered in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, President and CEO: Yuma Sasaki, “Dodai”).
▲Yuma Sasaki, President of Dodai (left) Hiroshi Otsuka, President of Musashi

In Eastern African countries, including Ethiopia, there are regional challenges such as the utilization of abundant renewable energy resources, creation of industrial infrastructure for the export of carbon credits, and the strain on national finances due to crude oil imports. Musashi aims to contribute to solving these regional issues through the expansion of our e-mobility business, and through our investment and collaboration with Dodai, we plan to further expand the provision of new EV solutions in the African market.
In the future, the two companies plan to collaborate on the development of two-wheeled EVs equipped with Musashi's e-Axle, products for three-wheeled vehicles, and in the data business sector. Musashi aims to lead the rapidly expanding global two-wheeled EV market through the provision of EV solutions and contribute to the realization of a rich global society where people and the environment coexist in harmony, including achieving carbon neutrality.

【About Musashi】
Musashi Seimitsu Industry Co., Ltd. is a global auto parts Tier1 company for automobiles and motorcycles, whose headquarters is located in Toyohashi, Japan. It has 35 manufacturing sites spreading across Europe, North and South America, China, and South East Asia. Musashi specializes in designing, developing and manufacturing products such as Differential Assemblies, Transmission Gears and Assemblies, and Linkage and Suspension (L&S) products especially for the future automobiles including electric and autonomous vehicles. Musashi is also generating and expanding new businesses through open innovation with global startups to contribute to the SDGs in wider business domains. Musashi AI, a leading-edge AI technology subsidiary to lead Industry 4.0, is one of the examples.